TREAT THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE TO THE ULTIMATE GROOMING PRODUCTS THIS CHRISTMAS – HE’LL SHAVE HIMSELF A FORTUNE! TWITTER | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM It’s the thought that counts when it comes to giving and receiving Christmas gifts … but it can be pretty hit and miss at times. Sometimes we are given things […]
Award winning R10 Labs 100% Natural Skincare brand formulated specifically for men. Check out their Male Body Moisturiser >> FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM R10 Labs is a Yorkshire based 100% Natural Skincare brand formulated specifically for men, with a sport themed branding. They have won awards in Pure Beauty, The Beauty Shortlist & […]
Bupa launches gene-ius DNA testing kit > FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN | TWITTER | YOUTUBE Millions of Britons could improve their health with the help of a ‘gene-ius’ new home testing kit DNA kit highlights how individuals may respond to stress, caffeine, alcohol, and physical activity New test is available to buy now and in […]
Four Time Non-Stop Channel Swimmer Sarah Thomas Chooses Kaiman EXO Goggles FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM Arguably one of the most gruelling feats of mental and physical endurance ever undertaken, in September Sarah Thomas became the first person to swim the English Channel four times non-stop, swimming from England to France and back twice […]
Buy the perfect period gift for a girlfriend, mum, teenage daughter, or best friend. FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE When celebrations start, and so does your period, every woman needs a little help from WUKA’s Winter Gift selection.What’s in the WUKA Winter Gift?One pair WUKA black Medium Period Pants rrp £19.99 One […]
RAW NATURALS, THE SWEDISH WINTER-TESTED NATURAL MEN’S SKINCARE RANGE ARRIVES IN TIME FOR THE CHRISTMAS CHILL In Superdrug >> INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK Raw Naturals, the new skin care, body care and beard care range arriving in the UK from Sweden in time for Christmas, is now available exclusively in Superdrug. All products are manufactured […]
The perfect gift for travellers – sure to delight AND be super useful for men and women. FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM The Perfect Holiday Gift for the Traveller on Your List! Santa approved skincare to combat the ravages of longhaul flights! Vegan, paraben-free, crueltyfree, crafted in New Zealand from local botanicals and served up in […]
Give The Gift That Will fill Their Life With Those Great times >> FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM Life In Squares Life in Squares is a collage company creating bespoke collages from your own photographs. Compile your own piece of history by supplying us with your original paper photographs or digital images to create a historical […]
Simply Amazing is a collection of uplifting stories of overcoming life’s greatest obstacles. KC Armstrong begins the book with the heart-wrenching story of his tormented years after leaving the Howard Stern Show and then his transformation to a life of hope and service to others. He shares thirteen favorite interviews from his WMAP radio station […]
Weird but true! 2020: wild & wacky facts & photos! by National Geographic Kids! FACEBOOK | TWITTER On Amazon Here This bulging compendium is loaded with jaw-dropping, eye-popping, brain-bending facts and bright, bold photography! It pairs the planet’s weirdest facts with the coolest and strangest true stories. From amazing asteroids, killer plants, peculiar puffins […]