Take 5 … top tips to help keep you well in your first term. www.allicin.co.uk

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Take 5 … top tips to help keep you well in your first term.


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Mum is worried about you eating, you are worried about simply finding your way across campus or how to cook oven chips.
Starting a new term whether away from home or not can be daunting. Having to cope with looking after yourself and stay well can seem an impossible task. Tales of Freshers Flu abound, worries about undercooked food and poor diet are everywhere, it is easy to get worried about staying well.

Maybe a simple supplement routine is what you need. Easy to take and easy to get food supplements that can top up your nutritional levels and help maintain your state of good health. Here are a few easy to follow tips that might help keep you on the right side of well.
Drink water, yes it may sound boring but being hydrated is good for the brain. (You are there to study, don’t forget!)
Try and get some fresh air every day, even half an hour outside is good. Time away from screens, stretch your muscles and help you to relax. There is plenty of research to show that even a short amount of time in nature has a lot of benefits for your health.
Eat regularly, yes mum was right, you do need to keep putting fuel in the tank. Porridge is a great breakfast, easy to prepare, keeps you full and best of all is cheap!
Take a multivitamin and mineral every day. A simple way to top up your nutrient levels, there are plenty of one-a-day formulations available and they needn’t cost the earth.
You have probably heard how good garlic is for you, are you studying history? Check out the ancient Egyptians, the first recorded strike in history was when the garlic ration was removed from the slaves. They new the benefits of it keeping them well. Don’t like the smell? Use AllicinMax, a 100% stabilised allicin supplement. Allicin is the main active principle in garlic. Just 7 capsules a week (one a day) is approximately the same amount of allicin as 40 heads of garlic!
Check out your local health food store for supplements and good value healthy food. Discover more about AllicinMax at www.allicin.co.uk RRP £7.99 for 30 vegan capsules.
An extra tip … Enjoy yourself! Don’t keep your worries to yourself, there is plenty of support whether it be a phone call home or welfare support on campus, take time to relax and enjoy your new adventure.

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